The function of an electrical estimate is to accurately approximate the electrical materials and labor, including risk, overhead and profit to execute the scope of work shown in the construction documents.

In the construction world, many trades need to work together in a symphony to construct various types of projects. However when it comes to electrical, it is probably the most important of all trades due to the fact that all trades need electricity to perform their tasks. Also, an owner is not moving into his new building without electricity. We all depend on electricity to perform many of our daily job duties and tasks. The electrician is the typically first one on the job site and the last one to leave.

The introduction is a overview of the Electrical Engineering course.

This course will be an overview to Electrical Estimating. You will learn a general understand of what you will be in the future.

In this course, we will explore what electricity is, and how it flows through the conductors. In addition, this course also covers the principles that govern electricity.

This course covers the document called specifications that will govern the quality of material and the level of labor you will be estimating.

This course will be a continuation of the specification documents that will govern the quality of material and the level of labor you will be estimating.

This course will concentrate on identification and organization of the plans, which will be identifying specific factors and information that will affect your estimate. Plans give you the quantities of your scope items.

This course will go over the general basic information in estimating. There are certain terms and factors that will affect any estimate.

This Lighting Fixtures course will cover different types of lighting fixtures and the lamps that go into them, how to organize them in your estimate. how to count take-off branch wiring and the controls of lighting fixtures.

In this course, we will learn about some different types of branch power. This course also covers small electrical loads and receptacles, how to organize them, count take-off branch wiring, and the home runs to the branch panel.

This course covers large and small motor loads, the starters or variable frequency drives, the disconnecting means, and motor load protection.

This course discusses where incoming power comes from and how it gets distributed throughout the building, when the power is distributed to the branch panels, which feeds the electrical load, and how the electrical power gets delivered through conduit and conductors through the branch panels.

This course focuses on estimating direct and indirect scope items; what scope items have a direct impact to the job cost and what scope items are more of an cost of doing business with the job.

In order to do estimating well, you need to know about the materials, which include conduit, conductors, boxes, straps, and fittings. This course includes a hands-on scavenger hunt.

This course will be an introduction to the two most popular software packages that you will find most often in the estimating field.

This course will walk you through the steps of the interview process, including how to conduct a phone interview, an in-person interview, the right questions to ask, and how to follow up after the interview.

Having an accurate estimate that can ascertain what is required for your electricians, as well as the plumbing, mechanical, carpentry, and drywall, goes into the completeness of the electrical estimate. Good electrical estimators not only understand the electrical scope, they clearly see how other scopes impact the electrical portion, and what is needed to create the synergy required between trades to complete the project. Having a good estimate is crucial for having a profitable project.